The Movie Industry

The first miserable failure published on this blog will be the Movie Industry. They’ve spent years in time and millions of dollars in cost to develop DRM for their new HD-DVD format for high definition video. Unfortunately, if an HD-DVD player can play the content, it will just be a matter of time until someone can circumvent this.

The HD-DVD global encryption key has been discovered and is now irreversibly published on the internet. There is no way to retract this information, due to the nature of the internet. And using this key it is possible to copy the movie from any HD-DVD disc onto the hard drive of a computer.

This bodes well for future generations, as the content available on HD-DVD’s today will still be watchable in the future, even though the players will be obsolete. This is one of the major problems with DRM, and one that is not talked about nearly often enough.

And the key? Well, the Movie Industry would like to think that this is illegal to post. But here it is with a simple rotation encryption: 09 S9 11 02 9Q 74 R3 5O Q8 41 56 P5 63 56 88 P0

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